Sunday, May 8, 2011

Pokot Village Once Again

Pokot Village once again
May 8
A lot has happened since I last posted. I was in Nairobi and sicker than a hound dog. I do believe I have bronchitis once again, and what’s the pits is I’m in Kenya and my own doctor is way far away in Vancouver. UGG. I spent yesterday in bed all day trying to stay off the bronchitis, but I believe I’ve failed that quest.  Then today I spent the entire day going to and being at the Pokot village in West Pokot. I realize now I probably should have stayed here in Kitale and send my regrets to the people. OH well lesson learned right?
Anyway the trip wasn’t as bad as the first one because we had a Range Rover Defender and that rig went where ever Joseph (the driver) told it to go. YES!! So much better than a Matatu. So we got there and the service started and guess who preached? ME! I know, totally blows me away as well. Anyway I just encouraged the Pokot to continue in their walk with Jesus. I reminded them that life isn’t fair, but then God didn’t promise life would be fair. I told them to keep the faith and perserver under trial because it will be worth it in the end. That isn’t exactly what I said, but you get the gist of it, right?
Anyway, I had a good time and enjoyed my time up there. I also, hoping and praying, to help the Pokot become self sufficient and to be able to feed their children. This project is basically selling handmade crafts. This stuff is really unique and well done, now I just need to figure out how to market it and the proceeds return to the Pokot people. This is a huge undertaking for me, so if you can help me out in anyway please do, just contact me. 
OK, now I want to ask how many people can you get into a Range Rover Defender? 5? 6?, or 7? WRONG.... We got 13 people in the Defender today. YES 13!! I couldn’t believe it either. I counted everyone twice. We did this because the Tribe Chief’s mother died last night and we went over to his place to pay our condolences.  There was a ton of people there and while the others I was with went to view the body (NO I didn’t go) I sat and talked to one of the members of the tribe who spoke really good English. Then Pastor Evans spoke to the people and he introduced me and I spoke for a bit. I don’t really remember what I said, only that I was sorry for the loss of the Chief’s mother, and to keep the faith in Christ that you already have.  Then we left and went to the Generals house (not a real Army General) and had lunch. I just ate rice with some broth in it. Eating food in the bush is not easy for me to do and then being sick I just couldn’t even fake it today.  
When we finished Lunch we came outside of the hut and there was a little female puppy. So naturally I picked her up and talked to her and the Pokot people just laughed at me. I explained that it is our job to take care of God’s creatures, no matter what you may think of them. I told them that it is our responsibility to care for dogs and treat them with kindness, and not to kick them and beat them. Which happens often here in Kenya. Then I told them that in America there are dogs who lead blind people to work and home or wherever they need to go. Now they had a difficult time believing that, but I told them, “Have I lied to you yet?” Hopefully they believed me. 
Now I’m back home in the dinning area drinking hot chocolate (tea) and enjoying the fact that I’m back in my jammies. I still feel like crap and coughing like crazy. YEP I think I need to see the doctor tomorrow. 

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