Monday, May 30, 2011

May 30

I'm sitting in a coffee cafe drinking hot tea here in Nairobi. I leave for home tomorrow night. I'm anxious to get home to my family and friends. I've had a good time here in Kenya, and I've learned a lot. I'm glad I came, but next time I think I'll stay closer to Nairobi.

I probably won't be able to post again here until I get home. Where I am staying there is no Internet service available at this time, so won't be able to post again until I get home.

I think everyone should come to Kenya and see for themselves the land and the people. Hopefully I'll be back next year. Time will tell, and so will my checking account.


  1. Cait I will miss this blog! Thank you for sharing the good and the bad. It has been fascinating to read about life in Africa it even made me learn my geography because I had to check a map several times! I am sad it is over but I know you have missed your grandbabies!And of course your daughter :)

  2. Thank you for sharing your experience. I have enjoyed your postings and pictures, they have been fascinating! I am glad you made it home safely. I am sure that all the friends you made in AFrica will miss you and think of you with very fond memories!! Welcome home!
